Julianne Moore: I'm honest with my kids

13th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Julianne Moore has warned her son that people still mock each other for their hair colour when they're adults.

The red-haired actress is proud of her tresses but knows young people can find the bright hair colour difficult to handle. She has son Caleb, 13, and nine-year-old daughter Liv with her husband Bart Freundlich, and when he was little Caleb struggled with his bright hair.

That was partly the reason why Julianne penned her children's book Freckleface Strawberry, released in 2007. It's about the things she went through as a kid and she followed it up with Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully two years later.

"I was the one who was called Freckleface Strawberry, when I was seven," she revealed to French newspaper Libration. "At the same age my son started to tell me that he hated his hair colour. So I wrote the book for him. I told him my story. I told him the truth. That all the jokes won't go away when you grow up but that we don't care about them because we have more important things to do in life."

Julianne enjoys acting and working on movies, but it's not her entire life. Many actresses have claimed it's hard for older women to get parts in pictures these days, but Julianne doesn't necessarily agree.

The 50-year-old thinks it's all about the kind of movies you are offered as you get older, revealing if actresses step away from certain genres they can get work.

"If you're only talking about blockbusters, yes, it might be more difficult for actors and actresses of my generation because those films target a younger audience," she said. "But I'd like to add that Hollywood has never been there to find a job for actors, it's there to make money. And there is so much more to do people can do with their careers." (C) Cover Media
