Justin Timberlake: My friends argued about my movie

29th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Timberlake has revealed his new movie caused a heated debate among his friends.

The singer-and-actor plays Napster co-found Sean Parker in The Social Network, based on Ben Mezrichs book The Accidental Billionaires. Justin says the film which tells the story of the people who founded Facebook is bound to cause controversy because it draws different reactions from people.

The star admits he was shocked when he went to see the film with a group of his friends as they couldnt reach an agreement about certain scenes because each person identified with a different character.

"There was a screening in Los Angeles and my friends were very excited to see this film and I was excited that my own friends were excited to see a film that I was in, so I scored some tickets for the screening," Justin told MTV. When we walked out, we all went to get some dinner afterwards and immediately the conversation just started.

"It was split between every person there."

The Social Network focuses on the lengths people will go to for success and revenge and Justin is pleased the film has provoked such strong reactions from his friends.

However, the conversation soon became so heated, one of his pals decided to change the subject so they could all relax and enjoy their evening out.

"I was like, 'Wow,' and I think that spoke true to what people will do [when they see] the movie," Justin added. "But one of my friends specifically said - he sort of brought some finality to the situation because he just wanted to eat. He was like, 'I don't 100 % agree with any of the characters, but I don't disagree with any of them.' Life is life. Things happen sloppily." (C) Cover Media
