Kabir Khan misinterpreted, ends in a verbal spat with a journalist

27th July 2015

Director Kabir Khan, who is always calm and composed during his media outings, lost his cool during the trailer launch of his next 'Phantom'.

The director got into a heated argument with a journalist when the journalist took exception to his statement. As Phantom is based on the dreadful terrorist attack on our country, the director had to stick to the reality, which showed terrorist across the border destructing India in the movie. 

He said, "People to people friendship can't happen as long as these extremist elements exist in either country. And these elements have to be eliminated for both the countries to get along peacefully."

"First do not talk to me like that. I do not appreciate it. Come over here, let me see your face and have a normal conversation. Do not get into all these talks. If you're getting into screaming, shouting and frothing, then I'm not going to get into this discussion."

Later Khan calmed down and said, "If you make this discourse a bit more civil, then I'm ready to talk to you. Why are you screaming like that. Calm down, have some water."

Thus, this didn't end here as the irritated journalist was constantly asking him about the terrorist elements in our country. However, Kabir kept on stressing that he did not use the word "terrorist" but "extremist".  

Tags: Kabir Khan,