Katie Holmes files emergency custody hearing

4th July 2012

Katie Holmes yesterday filed an aggressive legal action requesting that her divorce trial against Tom Cruise be made public.

The 33-year-old split from her husband of five years and is seeking sole legal custody of their six-year-old daughter Suri.

Hollywood Life reports that the actress submitted papers for an emergency custody and support hearing to be held before a New York judge.

"Katie filed an emergent application' in New York City on July 3," a source told the site.

"It's a motion seeking temporary emergency relief, which can include child support and custody. It also means that Tom is going to have to hire a New York lawyer he can't use his California lawyer anymore.

"The motion also means that Tom and Katie have to be present in court on July 17. A judge is now assigned to their case, which means it's no longer going to be an out-of-court settlement.

The unusual move for a celebrity means that the former couple will "have an open court room, which means that anyone can walk in and see what's happening."

"It's super-aggressive for Katie to have taken these steps. It suggests that there's going to be a contentious divorce battle to come," the insider added.

Tags: Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes,