Katy Perry still planning sexy songs

27th January 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Katy Perry insists she wont just write songs about marriage in the future.

The outrageous pop star tied the knot with British comic Russell Brand in India last year after a whirlwind romance. Even though Katy has settled down, she still wants to perform sexy songs. The singer believes it is possible to release tracks about finding her perfect man and falling in love despite her marital status.

"There is an obvious element in me that wants to entertain people and make their faces light up, she is quoted as saying. So I won't only be singing songs about being a married woman."

The 26-year-old star feels inspired by her fellow chart stars who have continued to sing about their love lives despite being married. Katy is more in love with Russell than ever and insists she is committed to her future with him, even if some of her lyrics dont show that.

"I always say a good example of that is Beyonc. She sang Single Ladies but everyone knows she's with Jay-Z," she added. (C) Cover Media
