Kelly Preston: I love bonding with baby

18th April 2012

Kelly Preston has gushed about the special time she gets to spend with 16-month-old son Ben.

The actress, who turns 50 later this year, has spoken about being a proponent of breast feeding.

John Travolta's wife told People magazine that weaning her baby boy will not be an easy task.

"When I stop, it's going to be really hard on me," Kelly told the publication. "I love nursing so much."

"I love the closeness and knowing that I'm giving him the best as far as nutrients and antibodies. And he really loves it too."

"He'll come up and point and go, Mama, more.' It's so cute!"

Kelly also has older daughter Ella, 12, and says that her kids are already big fans of eclectic dishes like filet mignon, scallops and organic vegetables.

Kelly likes to share lifestyle and baby tips with other celebrity mothers like Laila Ali and Jenna Elfman and recently hosted an event to educate them on raising kids in homes that are eco-friendly.

Tags: Kelly Preston,