Kevin Costner: Princess Diana was interested in movie role

11th April 2012

Kevin Costner has revealed that he was in talks with Princess Diana for her to star in Bodyguard 2.

The actor was successful in landing Whitney Houston her breakout role in The Bodyguard in 1992 and wanted to do the same for the late royal beauty.

In an interview with Anderson Cooper airing in May, the 57-year-old actor revealed that he was helping the Princess of Wales break into acting.

"Diana and I had been talking about doing Bodyguard 2," Kevin told the talk show host.

"I told her I would take care of her just the same way that I took care of Whitney.

"She wanted me to write it for her. I said, I'll tailor it for you if you're interested.' She goes, I am interested.'"

Kevin apparently received a draft of the script for Bodyguard 2 on the day that Diana died in a car crash in Paris on August 31 1997.

The sequel was going to feature Kevin's character helping the princess to escape from the paparazzi and stalkers before becoming embroiled in a love affair.

Kevin gave a passionate speech at Whitney's funeral back in February where he spoke about how he fought for her to get the part.

Tags: Kevin Costner,