Kutcher, Moore Always Tweeting!

13th October 2010

October 13, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Actor Ashton Kutcher and wife Demi Moore are avid Twitter users, a fact not unknown to their fans. But did you know that Kutcher tweets his wife even when she is sitting in front of him?! This may sound strange but is nevertheless true. Speaking to the media from Israel, where the couple are presently vacationing, Ashton Kutcher says that he sometimes posts messages for his wife on Twitter and vice versa, in an effort to make her feel special. The actor compares his action with that of sending a rose to a girl working in the office, adding that girls sometimes like to be praised this way.

Even when he does not send messages to Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher remains the most popular star on Twitter, with a following crossing the five million mark. The couple have in the past launched a campaign to put an end to the practice of slave trafficking on the social networking site. Kutcher is of the belief that by launching the Real Men Don't Buy Girls campaign, he and Demi Moore can help in reducing girl trafficking.

Having more than five million followers, some criticisms are bound to come the actors way. Ashton Kutcher says that he takes the time to go through the negative posts he has received on Twitter, so that he can use them to better himself as a person. At only 4 years old, Twitter has captured the hearts of many, and Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore seem quite hooked to it. The couple are reportedly in Israel to sort out marital problems.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher,