Lindsay Lohan DUI probation revoked

29th March 2012

Lindsay Lohan "has done everything that the court has asked of her."

The 25-year-old actress attended her final probation hearing for her 2007 DUI case at Los Angeles Superior Court today.

Lindsay completed her court-ordered therapy sessions and community service at a morgue this week, fulfilling all of her legal obligations in relation to her probation.

TMZ reports that Judge Stephanie Sautner was impressed with Lindsay's progress and lifted the sanctions imposed on the star for her reckless driving.

"She did it," Judge Sautner said during the hearing. "She was given one year to complete it all and she's completed it short of a year. She has done everything that this court has asked of her. [DUI] probation terminates today. Now."

Although Lindsay is off the hook for her DUI case, her 2011 conviction for jewellery theft remains open.

However, Judge Sautner did demote the star's shoplifting probation from formal to informal. As a result Lindsay doesn't have to report to a probation officer unless she gets into trouble again.

Judge Sautner advised Lindsay to remain focused.

"Live your life a more mature way. Stop the night-clubbing," the judge advised. "You don't need to come to court anymore. The DUI case is over, the necklace case is hanging over your head until May 2014. I don't expect to see you again. You know what you have to do. Goodbye, and good luck."

Lindsay will remain on informal probation for the shoplifting for two more years.

In celebration of her triumph, the actress is reportedly planning to have dinner with her little sister Ali Lohan.

Tags: Lindsay Lohan,