Lindsay Lohan: I am responsible

15th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan declares that she will not "be made an example of anymore".

Lindsay was removed from her court ordered community service programme at a Los Angeles women's shelter this week. Although the shelter claims that Lindsay was cut from volunteer service due to her flakiness, the actress has a different perspective on the situation.

"I am not to be made an example of anymore," Lindsay said on her Twitter account Friday. "I am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself. If I travel, its for work and its been approved. As is anything I do when I leave the state. I'd appreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me, so that I can get my life back. Please ignore the reports which have no truth to them. Thank you (sic)."

Lindsay was ordered to complete 460 hours of community service by Judge Stephanie Sautner this summer as a result of the star's no contest plea on a misdemeanour theft charge. The judge required Lindsay to spend 360 of those hours at Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles and another 100 at a city morgue.

The starlet has completed 60 of those hours so far. She has one full year to fulfil these obligations.

Lindsay will face Judge Sautner on this matter in her probation hearing on Wednesday October 19. (C) Cover Media
