Madonna: A Woman Above All!

3rd December 2010


December 3, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): To her fans she is an iconic singer, to her colleagues too, she is somebody to look up to and seek inspiration from, but to her boyfriend she is only a woman! We are talking about none other than Madonna. In a statement to the media, Brahim Zaibat, the new man in Madonnas life says that she is a woman above all. Spilling the beans on the unheard details about their passionate affair, Brahim Zaibat says that when he had first met Madonna he had thought that she will be a star complete with the airs around her, however, that was not the case to be, as Madonna warmed up to him from their very first meeting!

When we remind him of how the duo are poles apart from one another considering that he speaks little English and practices Islam while Madonna practices Kabbalah, Brahim Zaibat shrugs off the differences saying that nobody has ever noticed the things that they share in common. For starters, they are very much in love, so much so that Brahim Zaibat has even thought of a future together. Another thing that the couple has in common is their passion for dance. While Brahim Zaibat is a break dancer, Madonna too, is very eager to master the steps of the art.

Brahim Zaibat is in his 20s, while Madonna is all of 52 years of age so it is expected that he was acquainted with her songs right from his childhood days! The French dancer says that he was much interested in Madonnas music as a child but definitely followed her career with interest. It is to be remembered that her boyfriends favorite woman Madonna also dated 24-year-old Brazilian Jesus Luz before she started her affair with Brahim Zaibat.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Madonna,