Justin Beiber: A Victim Of Rough Weather

3rd December 2010


December 3, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The teenage pop sensation Justin Beiber does not find U.K. exciting enough. Justin has added that the country is quite depressing .The only thing that he looks forward to in the country are its women. Beiber is currently in Britain for some promotional activities. The weather in Britain has become worse due to snowstorm which has resulted in declining temperatures .The country is also facing a host of other problems owing to sudden climatic change.

Justin cannot take the unpredictable weather of Britain in his stride and he has decided never to relocate there given a chance. Justin also hates the cuisine out there. In an interview Justin remarked that he cannot live there due to the weather though the girls are good.

However Beiber commented on Twitter that he loves his fans from Britain, the girls and Cheryl Cole, but the people over there should not mind his not liking the weather.

There is rough weather on the home front too as recently Justins mother terminated his cell phone connection when he misbehaved with her. Justin added that he had an argument after which she asked him to give the cell phone and when he declined she got it terminated.

--Sampurn Wire



Tags: Justin Bieber,