Mila Kunis: I love teddy bears

19th April 2012

Mila Kunis admits that she has a serious soft spot for stuffed animals.

The 28-year-old actress stars alongside Mark Wahlberg in upcoming comedy Ted.

The film centres on a man whose childhood dream for his teddy bear to come alive comes true. The obscene animate stuffed animal named Ted prevents Mark's character from uniting with his true love who is played by Mila.

Although the teddy bear in Ted isn't very cuddly, Mila wouldn't give up her plush toy for anything.

"[My favourite toy as a kid] was a teddy bear. I still have it," she told Entertainment Weekly. "I'm not going to tell you [its name]! I've had it since I was nine. Maybe one day I'll share this bear with the world. Maybe."

Mila is happy to have access to real live teddy bears through her profession.

She has worked with a number of Hollywood hunks, but found one particularly charming.

"I've actually never not had a teddy bear [to work with]," Mila laughed. "But you know what? Jason Segel. It was Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I was 23, and he was just the nicest, sweetest person ever."

Ted will be released in US theatres July 13.

Tags: Mila Kunis,