Mohanlal off to watch the Olympics 2012

10th July 2012

The Olympics 2012, that starts on 27th July and continues until 12th, August 2012 has been driving the crowd crazy with excitement. To be held at London, the much awaited event is already been taken care of and prepared for thorougly.

However, it is heard that our senior star Mohanlal who has been busy with a few movies in hand, will be leaving for London to attend the Olympics this year.

It is heard that, the actor has been undergoing an Ayurveda rejuvenation treatment to look and feel younger. Mohanlal has been going through this treatment for the last 5 years.

As soon as he is done with the treatment, he will leave for London and will return only around the 5th of August 2012 and will resume work soon after.

He will also shift base to Chennai once he returns from London, as for the last 6 months he has been residing in Kochi due to his shooting and shuttling between the sets and the hospital as his mother was ill.

Now the actor is very much interested in spending time in Chennai with his family.

Tags: Mohanlal,