Nicole Scherzinger held at gunpoint'

15th December 2011

Nicole Scherzinger was "held at gunpoint" on a recent trip to Mexico.

The singer visited the country to film the video for her single Try with Me.

She was travelling through the mountains to the Xilitla rainforest with X Factor choreographer Brian Friedman, when their vehicle was held up by a local gang.

"We were held at gunpoint," Brian exclusively told Star magazine. "People next to our carsthere were M16s and Berettas!"

The group were riding in a bullet proof SUV as the area was known to be dangerous.

Luckily Nicole and her team were released without harm.

Brian is still a little shaken by the experience.

"Nicole cursed me with this trip," he declared. "It was the craziest adventure ever!"

The singer put on a brave face. She didn't want to scare her fans so she didn't mention the incident on Twitter.

"Having an amazing time shooting my video in beautiful Mexico trywithme," she Tweeted.
