Nicole Snooki Polizzi: Bitten By The Acting Bug Too

5th January 2011

January 5, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Nicole Snooki Polizzi, the 'Jersey Shore' star has perhaps been bitten by the acting bug too. Reportedly the star has gone on to state that from now onwards she is simply ready to get into her acting shoes and act out in front of the camera even without a script.

The star also stated that she has a real natural comic side to her that could actually come out in full bloom once she would face the camera.

The buzz doing the rounds is that the star has also tweeted to Peter Griffin to get her on his show. Despite loving her stint on 'Jersey Shore' and enjoying every moment of being on it, she does have her eye set on for meatier roles in the near future.

However she is quick to add that she would appear in 'Jersey Shore' forever even till she was 90, but then that would not be the ultimate goal in her life.

So, what exactly is her main goal? Well the star has her mind set on earning enough money so that just in case, she does have a huge family, she can still look after all of them without having to work and slog it out at that point of time.

So, all Snooki fans just watch out, for you just might see your favorite star right in the middle of a comic serial, tickling your funny bone to the hilt!

--Sampurn Wire
