Octavia Spencer went streaking'

16th February 2012

Octavia Spencer ran in the nude publicly "to pay off a bet."

The Oscar-nominated The Help actress stays true to her word.

After coming out on the losing end of a wager when President Obama was officially elected into office in 2008, Octavia bit the bullet and did what she was dared to do.

"I went streaking after Obama was elected! I had to pay off a bet!" Octavia told Us Weekly magazine Wednesday at the USA & the Moth event in West Hollywood.

Octavia, who shot to stardom last year, is unsure as to whether or not she has the gumption to perform another streaking stunt in the future.

"Well, if a good-looking guy is attached and he wants us to streak together late at night... where there are no peoplethat's about the most streaking I have left in me!" she laughed.

Octavia won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress last month and is nominated for an Oscar in the same category. The single actress is proud to be bringing The Help director Tate Taylor to next week's Academy Awards as her date.

"[Tate] wasn't nominated and I was sad about that, but he's been with me since the beginning of my career," Octavia said. "He's responsible for the success of the film so I couldn't think of anyone better I want to share that moment with than him! I am so excited."

The 84th Annual Academy Awards will take place on Sunday February 26 in Hollywood.

Tags: Octavia Spencer,