Parikshit Sahni: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Changed His Life After A Meeting In Moscow

26th January 2011

January 26, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Parikshit Sahni, the son of legendary actor Balraj Sahni is well known as a great actor himself. He is one actor who is known for his stellar performances in many great movies with him portraying some very meaningful and respected characters onscreen just like his extremely talented father.

However, not many people know that he has a great educational background behind him and to achieve the best education he had gone to Moscow during his days as a student.

Recently reports in popular tabloids have some very interesting articles about how this great actor had had the great opportunity of meeting the late legendary first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru in Moscow 50 years ago.

According to reports, Parikshit Sahni was one of those students who had the privilege to meet the most distinguished leaders of India during the last visit made by him. It was that time when the coveted leader was to address all the Indian students at the Embassy in Moscow. Parikhit Sahni, who was a student there was amongst the 500 of them assembled to take in the experience of meeting the very dynamic leader.

The actor who was seated near the window was simply thrilled. It was then that he was given the opportunity to meet up with the PM courtesy, the then Indian Ambassador TN Kaul, who was well acquantainted with Parikshit Sahnis dad.

Thus as the leader strode in and asked Parikshit Sahni what he intended to do right after completing his studies ,he seemed to be quite in a shock when the actor had told him that he was planning to stay back in Scandinavia or Finland or Sweden as he did not want to go back.

The annoyed PM asked Mr. Kaul why they all had gone back to India to face such flak even they could have stayed back in England and not gone back to India. Then he asked the actor that his own dad was in England for a long time, then why had he gone back to India?

After the outburst, the great leader calmed down and explained the virtues of a real and true mother to him. According to reports Jawaharlal Nehru explained to the actor that despite having wealth and luxuries abroad, his mother would remain a step mother to him. But India is the real mother; she will always remain a mother despite being old, weak and poor. Thus the real mother always needs her children when she is sick and old.

This very big lesson learnt from the first PM of India changed the course of the actors life and thought process. Thus he came back to India for good, never to go away again.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Parikshit Sahni,