Rihanna in fire scare

27th June 2012

Rihanna had to make an emergency evacuation from her London hotel this morning after a fire broke out in one of the elevators.

The Barbadian singer was among 300 guests who had to quickly leave The Corinthian Hotel at dawn while fire officials dealt with the matter.

Britain's The Sun newspaper reports that no one was injured but some damage was done on the 7th floor of the hotel.

"Roamin da streets since 6am! Fyah in da telly," Rihanna tweeted to fans and decided to go for a taxi ride around the city rather than loiter around outside. (sic)

"At approximately 6.30am, one of the service elevator motors at Corinthian Hotel London burnt out," the spokesperson for the establishment said.

"There was a slight discharge of smoke and because of our robust fire management policy, the alarms were activated and a full evacuation of the building was carried out."

Rihanna performed at the Radio 1 Hackney Weekend concert on Sunday.

Tags: Rihanna,