Rob Lowe: I love Twitter

5th May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Rob Lowe admits that he is somewhat obsessed with communication.

The 48-year-old actor has recently began using social media website Twitter.

Rob confesses that he was initially resistant to the platform.

"I once said to somebody if you ever see me tweet, kill me," he recalled to British newspaper The Independent. "Then I started it and I love it."

Rob is impressed by the way Twitter has revolutionised the way people share with one another.

"First of all because I love the discipline because I'm a communication freak and I think that communicating succinctly is a lost art in our culture, ironically the easier it is to communicate the less well people do it, just the discipline of so few characters turns me on and I don't abbreviate," he explained.

"I don't use the letter 'u' for 'you.' But more than anything I like to be able to cut through the middleman. That is also really what appeals to politicians, they can circumvent the gatekeepers so if I want to comment on something I can do it in my own voice without it being edited, and, there is no-follow up question." (C) Cover Media
