Robbie Williams: I'm researching fatherhood

10th September 2012

Robbie Williams says all he needs in preparation for the birth of his first child is a computer and the internet.

The Take That star is expecting a baby girl with his wife Ayda Field. Robbie is known for his wild past, but has now swapped parties for researching fatherhood.

"I'm going to be a dad any moment now, it could happen while I'm sat here," he told BBC Radio One.

"The bags are packed and we've worked out the fastest route to hospital. All I need is the internet and a computer for the birth!"

Ayda is American, so the couple is still deciding where to raise their child. They have agreed for the birth to take place in the UK, where Robbie was born.

"I want the baby to have an English passport, but we're still figuring out where we're gonna live," he revealed.

Robbie is currently preparing for the release of his new album Take the Crown on November 5.

Prior to the new album, the star took time out from music and became known for his passion for chasing UFOs.

He still wants to pursue his hunt for mythical creatures.

"I know that a lot of money has been spent on professional teams and they have found nothing. I think we won't find the Loch Ness monster!" he laughed.

"I do want to go and have a look for Big Foot though. Big Foot is the yeti's cousin, once or twice removed."
