Robert Pattinson Does Not Consider Himself To Be A Musician

27th October 2010

Robert Pattinson does not seem to have a very good opinion about him, especially when it comes to his music. In fact, he thinks that he is very boring and is not a musician at all. He was speaking to the Sun, a British newspaper when he revealed that he sees himself singing soulfully in a rundown bar where around three people have gathered to drown their sorrows in their chosen drinks.

His fans, however, seems to possess a much better understanding of music. They have hailed his music as the YouTube video showing him singing at a get together, last January emphasized the fact. The video succeeded in getting more than 400 thousand views from his die-hard fans.

One of the best commentators, also a favorite with the viewers of the video stated that Rob was his favorite singer although his kind of singing is nothing unique. The voice of Marcus Foster, his mentor seems to be almost identical to his. He went on to add that Pattinsons singing seems to have been influenced by many a singer including that guy from CREED. The others that he follows faithfully while singing include that singer from Nickelback along with Michael Bolton and Eddie Vedder.

The numerous rumors that have surfaced about Pattinson negotiating a record deal goes on to show the tremendous fan following that he has. The Sun had also reported Pattinson being approached by the American Idol judge Simon Cowell but MTV news tells us that it was just another sensationalizing headline on the Internet.



Tags: Robert Pattinson,