Robert Pattinson: I admire Kristen

26th November 2011

Robert Pattinson loves that Kristen Stewart wants to be "taken seriously".

The Twilight actor and his co-star have been rumoured to be together ever since they started filming the first film back in 2008.

Although they don't talk about their romance, Robert is very outspoken about his admiration of Kristen.

"What I love about her is her dogged determination to be herself," he told the British Edition of Hello! magazine. "She fights for that a lot. She really needs to be taken seriously as an individual and that's something she really puts herself out for. I think that's very impressive in her. She also wants to be understood by people. She chooses her words very carefully. It's very important to her to get her point across."

Enthusiasm and passion are very important character traits to the 25-year-old. The Hollywood heartthrob thinks that people without a desire are dull.

"If someone doesn't have something they love or believe in or care deeply about, then they're not very interesting and they're not capable of loving you either. To me friendship and passion are sort of intertwined," he explained.

"And if there's a lot of passion in your friendship, then I think you should probably sleep with the friend you're passionate about!".

Tags: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart,