Robert Pattinson tops sexy list

18th August 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Robert Pattinson has been voted the world’s sexiest man.

The 24-year-old actor has topped Glamour magazine’s 50 Sexiest Men poll for the second year in a row. Robert, who shot to fame playing brooding vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight film franchise, beat a host of other hunky stars to reclaim the title.

His Twilight co-star Taylor Lautner took second place on the list, which was compiled from votes cast by more than 50,000 readers.

The top five was rounded out by another three blood-suckers - Vampire Diaries star Ian Somerhalder and Twilight’s Xavier Samuel and Kellan Lutz.

Johnny Depp took sixth place, followed by teen pop star Justin Bieber, and actors Gerard Butler, Hayden Christensen and Channing Tatum. acting editor Charlotte Duck says the poll proves women are falling for vampires more than ever.

"Women are attracted to vampires because of the element of danger that comes with them. They are the ultimate bad boy - and women want to tame the beast within,” Charlotte said in a statement.

The supernatural actors have become so popular, they have knocked more traditional hunks right off the top of the poll.

Soccer player David Beckham fell from fourth to 21st, while Brad Pitt went from fifth to 33rd. George Clooney suffered a similar drop in popularity, going from seventh to 35th place. Jude Law and Leonardo DiCaprio dropped out of the top 50 altogether.

Glamour magazine’s top ten Sexiest Men of 2010:

Robert Pattinson

Taylor Lautner

Ian Somerhalder

Xavier Samuel

Kellan Lutz

Johnny Deep

Justin Bieber

Gerard Butler

Hayden Christensen

Channing Tatum (C) Cover Media
