Rod Stewart: I'm a determined performer

21st May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Rod Stewart has revealed nobody could "get [him] off stage" during his first gig.

The British singer is renowned for his distinctive voice and hugely-successful music career which spans five decades. The 66-year-old musician admits that in the early days of his career, things didn't always go as smoothly.

"My first ever professional gig was the Manchester Twister Wheel in 1963/1964. I only had one song, I made it last about 20 minutes. They couldn't get me off stage," he said in an interview with a British television show.

Rod has admitted he doesn't like song writing. The legendary musician says it takes a lot of focus and concentration for him to able to pen tracks, so when it comes to song writing, he has to "lock" himself away.

"I'm a reluctant songwriter. But I'm starting to write again now, It's sort of a blues album but not. I used to have to be locked away in a room," he explained. "With the kids, their mums' would say, Don't disturb daddy he's writing his words.'" (C) Cover Media
