Rosario Dawson: I'm furiously passionate

20th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Rosario Dawson wants to remain "furiously passionate" for as long as she lives.

The 32-year-old actress lost her grandmother and ended a long-term relationship with Mathieu Schreyer in May of this year, and the star insists she has tried to remain positive since.

Rosario says the tragic happenings have encouraged her to live life to the full.

"Since Mima's passing, I have this sense of urgency and all this energy to get things done," she explained in an interview with the August issue of Shape magazine.

"I need to stay furiously passionate for the rest of my life. I don't want my tombstone to read: 'She played it safe.'"

Rosario refuses to let grief consume her. The stunning star, who is famed for her roles in Sin City, Alexander and Seven Pounds, says that although she thinks it's important to grieve, she would never let her emotions become the better of her.

"Grief is so seductive," she said. "Part of me wants to crawl into a hole and cry because nothing else matters, but that's just not an option." (C) Cover Media
