Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: Cleaning wasn't sexy

31st May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has insisted working as a chambermaid "wasn't sexy".

The 24-year-old beauty cleaned bathrooms before she made it as a model. Rosie was always happy to work hard and knew it would pay off eventually. The British model-and-actress was born in Devon and enjoyed a simple upbringing, where her parents encouraged her to start making money when she was a teenager.

"I've always worked; my first job was as a chambermaid it wasn't as sexy as it sounds. I cleaned rooms, washed dishes and got to eat scraps of bread for lunch very Cinderella," she said in an interview with the British edition of GQ. "My mum worked as an aerobics instructor, and then in a local gun shop. She now runs a caf. My brother and sister were out shooting or hunting and my dad was in the vegetable garden. I was a lot more girly. From a really young age, all I wanted to do was go to London. I had my heart dead-set on getting there somehow."

Rosie can soon be seen in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, alongside Shia LaBeouf. The star accepts people will criticise her desire to pursue an acting career, but she is ready to deal with the negative comments. She is determined to do her best and continue to land acting roles, but doesn't hold out much hope for following in the footsteps of the Hollywood greats.

"I don't know if I can act yet. It's too early," she explained. "Do I think I'm going to be the next Meryl Streep? No. Would I like even a sniff of Angelina Jolie's career? Yes. Do I think I have a future in this business? I certainly hope so. And I am going to work damn hard to make sure I do. I'm ready for the criticism.

"I'm not here to win a popularity contest. I am here to work and have a career. Let the haters hate. I'm ready."

Rosie is currently dating Hollywood hardman Jason Statham. The pair are happier than ever together and she has praised the actor for always making her feel confident. However, Rosie is reluctant to discuss the relationship too much, preferring to keep the romance out of the spotlight.

"I don't like talking about me and Jay. You should ask him. We are very happy," she added. "The worst thing a guy can do? Call you by the wrong name! The best thing is if they can make you feel confident. That's the sign of a good lover." (C) Cover Media
