Ryan Gosling: I love crashing cars

16th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ryan Gosling channeled "superheroes" while playing his dark character in his newest film and considers the experience "amazing".

Ryan plays the unnamed driver in action thriller Drive. Upon the film's release this weekend, Ryan recalls why he was so attracted to the role.

"I really wanted to make a superhero film but all the good ones were taken so I thought I would have to make my own at this point," Ryan told Fox News Pop Tarts column. "But when I read this script I thought there was a way to do that with this stunt driver stuck in the mythology of movies, and that he had become so far removed and watched so many movies, that he started to see his life as one."

Ryan had a blast on set while filming this movie. He thoroughly enjoyed driving automobiles into the ground.

"It was one of the most amazing times I've ever had preparing for a film. Basically we would show up to an empty parking lot, there would be a new Mustang or new Camaro and we would drive it until it starts smoking and wouldn't run anymore," Ryan recalled. "And then someone would take it away and we'd go home and wait for someone to either fix the car or bring us a new one, and then would just do it again."

Banging cars into things was another one of Ryan's favourite activities during the shoot. He also enjoyed beating people up. Ryan and director Nicolas Refn sought inspiration for fight scenes from one Argentine filmmaker in particular.

"Gaspar No's Irreversible has the best head-smashing of all time. Nicolas and I were both in love with it," Ryan said. So we called Gaspar and asked firstly could we do a head smashing, and then asked how he did it so he gave us some tips."

Drive is now in theatres. (C) Cover Media
