Salman Khan is 'Being Pricey'

24th June 2013

It is raining moolahs for our Bollywood stars especially when it comes to brand endorsements. Stars are not hesitant to demand huge fees to play brand endorsers, and we see that brands too over extend themselves by betting big bucks on these celebrities. While there is no math to the true brand value of a celeb, we do see random numbers being thrown by tinsel town actors, and most of the time it does hit the bulls-eye as brands willingly pay the demanded fees.

But at times, brands too surprise our celebs when they simply respond to the star's outrageous demands with a polite, "No, Thank you".

Salman Khan demanded an astonishing fee of 20 crores to wear the endorser's hat for the global brand 'Coca-Cola', and the brand too, went with Salman's fee to sign the star as its brand endorser in India. Salman was approached by yet another brand, this time a Rajasthan-based cement company to endorse their brand, and the confident Salman demanded 20 crores for their deal as well.

But, based on insiders, the cement brand, which is comparatively a new name, countered a 10 crores endorsement deal offer, and as expected Salman turned it down hoping that the brand would come to terms with his demands and pay the requested remuneration. It did however, come as a shock for the 'Being Human' star when the brand decided to turn down Salman's counter offer and responded back by stating that the requested fee was too high and that they were no longer interested in singing Salman as their brand endorser, and would be evaluating other options in Bollywood.

With B-Town getting more competitive, guess, 'Being Real' could very well be the new motto for our stars.

Tags: Salman Khan,