8th March 2011

The controversial god man Swami Nityananda who was exposed for his sex racket is now up in arms. He was successful previously on two occasions to dislodge the making of a film on his life. Now he has to take on big clout Madan Patel who is having very good influence in the BJP government.

On Sunday at Freedom Park after the makeup actor Ravi Chetan got first call. That was from the supporters from Swami Nityananda asking him to give up the role. When Ravi Chetan retarded he was scolded with bad words. Ravi Chetan in the attire of Swamy Nityananda came to the press meet with the same costume and said he is ready to accept any onslaught.

Producer, director Madan Patil at this time told the media that he is extending protection to Ravi Chetan even after the shooting. What is surprising is that till Ravi Chetan came up with the makeup no one knew about it. He received a threatening call in just 10 minutes shows how Swami Nityananda people are following it.
