Shaam dawns a 'Christian Bale' avataar!

27th August 2012

One of the most important criterias of being an actor is to be fit and shed weight as per the needs of a film. We have seen the biggest of biggest actors do it and this time it was Shaam's turn!

Shaam has been undergoing an extremely strict drill for his upcoming Tamil film '6'

The latest news is that the star has lost over 20 kgs for the movie already. The makers of the film are comparing his performance with that of Hollywood and 'The Dark Knight' superstar, Christian Bale.

Shaam has spent more than a dozen sleepless days to get dark circles under his eyes.  He has also sported a long beard as he will be donning the role of a man who is in search of that missing 'something' in his life. These physical changes have completely revamped his look. 

'6' is directed by V.Z. Durai, starring Shaam who will appear in 6 different get-ups and shoot in 6 different cities. The film has music by Srikanth Deva and cinematographer Mathi is on the camera. Antony is the editor of the film.

Tags: Shaam,