Sharon Osbourne: UK riots are senseless

9th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Sharon Osbourne has slammed the "senseless" riots which have been taking place in the UK.

Unrest started in the Tottenham area of London over the weekend, after police shot dead a man. His family staged a peaceful protest outside the local police station on Saturday afternoon as they wanted details about his death, but trouble soon occurred.

A number of youths began rampaging through the streets, throwing bricks and stones at police in riot gear, breaking into stores and looting them and setting fire to buildings and homes. The violence spread to other areas of the capital on Sunday and Monday evenings, with all police cells full by Tuesday morning. Riots also occurred in other cities across England; with British Prime Minister David Cameron forced to cut short his summer holiday to deal with the unrest.

A number of stars have discussed the issue on Twitter, with UK native Sharon who now lives in America - appalled at the images she's seen. "World has gone crazy. What is happening in England. Senseless (sic)," she wrote on the social networking website.

Sharon's daughter Kelly has also spoken about the riots. She's been distraught at what she's seen on the television and internet and has been desperately trying to get in touch with those she knows in the city.

"w/ the greatest of respect the police are not educated enough 2 deal with this kind of destruction so why dont they bring in the bloody army. just to make myself clear i DON'T MEAN THE POLICE ARE STUPID just that they have no been taught to deal with things on this level!

"i literally cant leave my lap top busy making sure friends are safe and glued to the news #londonriots (sic)," she wrote.

Joel Madden is currently in the city and can't believe what is going on. Monday night saw the worst devastation, with cars set alight, superstores burned down and windows smashed throughout the city. Gangs of youths took to the streets as early as 4pm and there are also reports people were beaten as they tried to protect their shops.

"We saw some crazy things tonight in London," Joel wrote.

"I saw a group of rioters tonight, just kids in hoods and bandanas over their face. None of them could have been older than 19. Crazy.

"These riots are a disgrace. Ruining honest people's livelihoods. If this was my city I'd be in the streets trying to stop this bulls**t. Hopefully you will get it figured out UK. My thoughts are with the people being affected by these riots (sic)."

Pregnant star Mel B, who is from Leeds in England, has said she is terrified for everyone she knows still in her homeland, and called for the rioters to be stopped. Fashion designer Henry Holland admitted he feels unsafe in the capital and is glad he's heading to Italy for work, while Elizabeth Hurley has included a message from one of her fans asking for locals to help clean up the city.

It's been alleged Twitter and other social networking websites have been used by rioters to co-ordinate violence, while London police have called on parents to ensure their children stay home during the evening. (C) Cover Media
