Simon Cowell discusses sex life

8th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Simon Cowell has admitted having three-way sex "years ago".

The music mogul is famed for dating a string of beautiful women such as Terri Seymour and Sinitta. He's now engaged to make-up artist Mezhgan Hussainy, but has opened up about his previous conquests.

"I was just with these two girls and we ended up in bed. It was cool - I liked it," he told radio DJ Howard Stern, adding the incident took place "years ago".

Simon refused to discuss who the two women involved in the passionate encounter were, explaining he finds discussing his personal life embarrassing.

That didn't deter forthright Howard though, who then inquired whether Simon had ever slept with more than two women at once.

"If it's a threesome that's all you can go up to. You mean like a fivesome? That's an orgy," Simon replied.

Howard even quizzed Simon on what method of birth control he favours, although the talent show judge was evasive. He was happier to discuss his ex-lovers, who he's renowned for staying close to.

Simon and Teri dated for a long time and he hopes they'll remain friends forever.

"We were together six years. You just get to the point when it's better if you don't go out with each other anymore," he explained.

He was on the radio show to discuss the American version of The X Factor. Nicole Scherzinger, Paula Abdul and L.A. Reid are on the judging panel alongside Simon and he has singled Nicole out.

"[She's] one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen," he said.

During the interview Simon also claimed to have gone on a date with Denise Richards when she was heavily pregnant, and admitted he "isn't sure" whether he's still engaged to Mezhgan. (C) Cover Media
