Simon Cowell: I need a Thanksgiving invite

21st November 2011

Simon Cowell has asked his fans to send "Thanksgiving menus" so he can decide where to spend the special day.

The music mogul recently joined social networking site Twitter and is enjoying keeping in touch with his followers.

Simon sent out an appeal after he realised he doesn't have anywhere to celebrate the American holiday this Thursday.

"I've just realised it's Thanksgiving this week and I haven't been invited to anyone's house. I feel like a dog without a home," he tweeted.

Before long people were sending him invitations to come and join them.

The 52-year-old decided that the only fair way to decide whose house he would visit would be to study menus from all the applicants.

"Thank you for the Thanksgiving invitations," he typed. "Could I have some menus sent before I decide?"

His fans were eager to impress. Many sent back elaborate dinner designs they hoped would please the X Factor judge.

"Yeah we're having turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing and stuff. Probably apple cider sic," replied JillStrif.

"turkey, salmon, lots of pinoy food, some chinese here and there, ham, cupcakes, and lots more sic, " said pierslikestacos.

However, some members of the public were slightly more wary. Known for his cutting remarks and impressive put-downs, many believed Simon would not be the most polite house guest.

"I can just see you critiquing other peoples' turkey and side dishes sic!" indigo_15 quipped.

Simon is clearly enjoying his new online presence.

The star regularly updates his news feed and replies to his followers. He recently expressed an interest in a flashy new car.

"I went to the car show yesterday," he proclaimed. "I might buy a Smart car with gull wings and very dark tinted windows!"
