Texas Puts Gang Rapist To Death

18th August 2010

Washington, August 18, 2010 (Just Flashed): The Texan authorities put 35-year-old Peter Cantu to death on Tuesday in the jail at Huntsville in Texas. Cantu happened to be a member of a bunch of criminals. Cantu was awarded the punishment of death by the judiciary for the rape and massacre of two teenagers that he had perpetrated when he was 18 years old. This data has been divulged by the powers that be in the Texan state.

Cantu was bequeathed a toxic injection on Tuesday and was declared deceased. Cantu and five others members of the gang were declared to be guilty for viciously assaulting and liquidating two teenage girls in June 1993 at Houston in Texas.

The Texan Department of Criminal Justice has asserted that the two victims were kidnapped by Cantu and his subordinates. They then strolled along a set of railroad tracks, which happened to be a short cut to their residence for them. Both the female victims were battered sexually by the gang members, clobbered and strangulated.

The corpses of the girls were unearthed four days later. The other members of the gang were imprisoned subsequent to tip-off from Cantu's brother.

Greg Abbott happens to be the Texan Attorney General. He has alluded to Cantu in a declaration as the self-styled boss of a gang in Houston. Cantu is the final of three gang members awarded the capital punishment. The other three had not become majors at the time of the commission of the heinous offense. However, they are undergoing extensive prison terms.

The judicial execution of Cantu happens to be the 16th execution in 2010 in Texas. Texas also happens to be the American state with the uppermost execution rate.

- Just Flashed News Service
