Time Traveler In Chaplin Movie?

29th October 2010

A video doing the rounds on the Internet today is bizarre to say the least. The footage from a Charlie Chaplin film reveals a woman which could well be a man in a drag, using a mobile phone. The entire footage looks odd particularly when you consider the fact that cell phones didnt even exist back in 1928.

The scene shows a man wearing a dark hat walking around, talking intently with a hand cupped near his ear. This is a footage from the Chaplin movie, The Circus and can be found in the Documents/The Hollywood Premiere within the DVD extra menu. Filmmaker George Clarkeo spotted this discrepancy and created a YouTube video to highlight his discovery which also had the zoomed up images depicting the woman or man in a womans dress talking with the aid of a listening and speaking device. The blurred form of device behind the cupped hand looks suspiciously like a cell phone.

The video captured the imagination of the general public as is evident by the comments section on the webpage. There are quite a lot of theories abounding as well with some of them questioning the logic of using a cell phone back in the 1920s. While the sanest among the disbelievers point out to the fact that no cell phone could work without a tower to catch the signal, one of the others even went to the extent of suggesting that the person in the image had been a time traveler from the future who got trapped in the film thus destroying the fabric of the Universe.

