Vinny Guadagnino apologises for rap

1st December 2011

Vinny Guadagnino has apologised for his insensitive rap about a woman being raped.

The Jersey Shore star uploaded a video of himself performing the number entitled Rack City Mix which had explicit and offensive lyrics.

His explanation of the track was that he "felt like being a naughty boy and rapping like a G."

But sexual assault organisation, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network RAINN and his Twitter fans soon showed their disdain for the song and the harmful words.

"I ain't got a girl. You ain't got a man. I've got a date for ya. And it's in my pants. Oh, you a fan? You wanna take a pic? I like your crack girl. I wanna take a hit. Actin' like I'm raping it. F**k her till she fakin' it ," is a verse from the hip hop song.

Initially Vinny was defensive and did not appear to understand the magnitude of his actions.

"Whoa! Some people really know how to take things out of context! #LearnToListenToMusic It was fun though! (sic)" the reality star tweeted.

But was later Vinny decidedly more contrite.

"Sorry for offensive rap," he wrote. "I'm 100% against violence & work with many organisations to stop it. Will continue to do so."

A RAINN spokesperson told TMZ that Vinny's rap song was irresponsible.

"Trivialising this violent crime sends a dangerous message to the public," the representative said.

"Use of the term actin' like' doesn't mitigate the harm this crime has on survivors of sexual violence.

"We hope that Mr Guadagnino will reconsider his stand on this issue and leverage his platform to reinforce a zero tolerance policy for sexual violence, as he has with bullying."

The 24-year-old has now taken the video down from YouTube and said it was mean to be a "funny take on an already dirty song" since he is normally known as a "good boy."
