Watching Films At Theatres Will Soon Become History: David Lynch

28th December 2010

December 28, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Watching a movie in a theatre is soon going to be a thing of the past as the future will be dominated by internet and movies will be downloaded at a rapid pace. Renowned filmmaker David Lynch believes that finally movies will be only downloaded from the web .The talented director in favour of the latest technology feels that catching a flick at a theatre will soon become history. In an interview Lynch was questioned about the future of latest films and he remarked that everything was moving in a direction where a film will only be released through a website. Lynch also added that the future is only for downloads.

Though Lynch is comfortable with the idea of downloading movies, he feels that that the feeling of heading for a movie hall will be lost. Lynch commented that the experience that one undergoes in a movie hall cannot be compared to viewing it at home.

Lynch also added that it really does not matter as how people manage to get hold of a film as long as the right ambience is created for watching the film .Lynch is also of the opinion that the right setting which includes a big screen, dim lights and great audio quality is required to get the desired effect. Lynch feels that some films looks great on a small screen however if one planned to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey on a phone then it would be thoroughly unjustified to do so.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: David Lynch,