White House Spokesperson Asserts No Role Of Politics In Obama�'s Observations On The Controversial �'Ground Zero�' Mosque

17th August 2010

Washington, August 17, 2010 (Just Flashed): The President of America happens to be the eloquent Barack Obama of the Democratic Party. He had recently released his standpoints on a massively divisive issue that has captured the psyche of the American populace. The divisive issue in question here happens to be that of the erection of a mosque and a Mohammedan community center in close proximity to the location of the deathly monstrosities of September 2001 that had devastated New York City and scarred the buoyancy of America. The monstrosities being referred to here are the terrorist attacks on 9/11 in New York City that were implemented by the Islamic terrorists.

Obama has asserted that the religious liberty enshrined in the American constitution permits the creation of a mosque in America. Nonetheless, Obama has deftly refrained from commenting on the astuteness of constructing a mosque one or two blocks from Ground Zero. Republican strategists and activists have clobbered Barack Obama for his inconclusiveness on this issue. The refusal of Obama to explicitly condemn the construction of the mosque has been made a significant midterm electoral issue by the Republican opposition.

Bill Burton happens to be one of the spokespersons of the White House. Burton is the occupant of the post of Assistant Press Secretary of the White House. Burton has divulged that political considerations were not decisive factors in Obama's observations on this vexed issue.

Burton has vocalized that, instead of political leanings, it was Obama's sentiment that his Presidentship had to guarantee that all the Americans are the recipients of reasonable treatment under the broadminded American constitution. Burton has articulated that Obama deemed that it was his presidential responsibility to deal with this matter.

- Just Flashed News Service
