Zac Efron Escapes With Moustache On!

19th October 2010

October 19, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):Hollywood actor Zac Efron, who is known to rule the hearts of many worldwide, recently had to take some drastic action to escape the disadvantages that are a part of being a Hollywood heartthrob. In a statement made to the media, Zac Efron admitted that he climbed down in order to escape the eyes of the fans waiting for him outside his hotel room. While it may seem that there is nothing untoward in this action, the actor used a drainpipe, instead of a staircase to climb down! Zac Efron justifies his action saying that he wanted some time alone, and knowing that he could never get that if he took the staircase of the hotel, he had to use the drainpipe adjacent to the hotel balcony to escape the attention of his fans. All this only to take a walk by himself!

And this is not the end. It seems that the young actor can take great pains only to be by himself. Zac Efron also made sure that he would not be recognized once he was down on the road and for that the heartthrob had a disguise in place. The actor himself says that he had come armed with a moustache so that even if people looked at him, they wouldnt know that the person was actually their favorite actor Zac Efron.

In fact the 22-year-old Hollywood hottie says that he could almost hear passersby looking at him but dismissing him as Zac Efron, once they saw his moustache!

--Sampurn Wire

