Zooey Deschanel loves New Girl

6th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Zooey Deschanel has fallen in love with her newest role and thinks stretching her boundaries is "exciting".

The 31-year-old actress, singer and songwriter is thrilled about appearing in fledgling television show New Girl. Zooey claims she has never felt so inspired by a script before.

"I don't know if I've ever seen a part as charming and as exciting," Zooey told reporters at the 2011 Summer TCA Tour. "Literally reading the pilot script, I was laughing out loud. Every time we rehearse, I have such a great time. The material is so great. I have so much fun."

Zooey hopes that this series will live beyond pilot episodes. She is simply having too much fun exploring her character.

"The thought of doing it for a long time is really exciting to me," said Zooey. "I don't know if I've ever read a role this good for myself."

When the crowd commented about how charming, exciting and adorable Zooey was herself, the actress blushed. Easy to dole out compliments, Zooey admits that it is difficult for her to receive them.

"My mom told me when I get compliments to cover my ears," said Zooey. "I'm so embarrassed now. I don't know if I'm adorable. I'm flustered. Thank you. I don't think of myself that way, but I will take the compliment."

New Girl will premiere in America this fall. (C) Cover Media
