Actress lodges complaint against producer

8th September 2011

A case has been registered against a person, claiming to be a south Indian film producer on a complaint by a lesser known actress that she was harassed.

Nisha Yadav (22), an actress, has filed a complaint with the Kurar police against Anand Ramnath, who introduced himself as film producer from Chennai and started troubling her.

Nisha, who claimed to have acted in a Hindi film and currently working on a Telugu film project, reportedly alleged Ramnath had called her a number of times and asked her to 'compromise' to get film roles.

“In the complaint, she said that Ramnath met her in a pub in July and befriended her. He started calling her on the pretext of providing role in films and started talking certain things which made the victim to feel uncomfortable,” a police officer was quoted as saying.
