Adele: I'm taking a break

9th December 2011

Adele wants to take a break and spend time at home before recording her next album.

The 23-year-old singer underwent surgery for a vocal cord haemorrhage in Boston, America in early November.

At the moment Adele is focusing more on recuperating from her operation than on making new music.

"I imagine I'll be 25 or 26 by the time my next record comes out, as I haven't even thought about my third record yet," Adele told Billboard magazine.

"I'm just gonna lay some concrete, set up home and just be' for a bit."

Adele wants her new music to be excellent. She will not rush the compositions for her third album as she desires to release the best possible material.

"I'll disappear and come back with a record when it's good enough," she revealed. "There will be no new music until it's good enough and until I'm ready."

When the singer does decide to begin recording she knows that her family will be there to support her.

"My family are obviously a huge part of where I am now," Adele explained.

"They've always encouraged and loved what I've done from the moment I took an interest in music. I think they're as baffled by my success as I am. I don't ask my loved ones how they feel about it actually! There's too much other stuff to catch up on when we see each other."

Adele was advised to rest her voice for a while after undergoing the procedure.

She is expected to be able to sing onstage again in a few weeks.

Her second album 21 was released earlier this year.
