Akshay Kumar propagates cleanliness

6th November 2011

Akshay Kumar is literally on a cleanliness drive and is propagating people to keep the city clean. He recently spotted a man throwing his finished cigarette packet out of his car window, clicked his picture and posted on the micro blogging site ‘Twitter’. Akshay posted a huge message on twiter as follows along with the picture.

“I'm going to start with an apology, I'm sorry for this negative message guys, its just that on days like today I can’t stand the ignorance of some people. On my way to work this morning this guy really frustrated me. I had to get out of my car in the middle of Bombay traffic right by Mr Bachchan's house, & literally pick up off the road an empty packet of cigarettes that this man decided to carelessly throw out his window without a second thought. Not only do we have to put up with the fact he smokes but we also have to deal with the fact that he doesn't care a damn about his city or his motherland that God has so graciously provided for him. If we all treated the streets of India with as much love as we do our homes & temples, we would have 5 star ratings on cleaniness rather than being known as one of the dirtiest cities in the world.

I'm no angel, I drive a car, I fly in planes, sometimes I accidently leave the light on, but I consciously try everyday not to dirty or abuse our city. Question is do you? What's the worst thing you've ever done to our environment, something u walked away from that u wished deep down u hadn't done? I know for sure the guy that littered in front of me today wont forget his actions. I must say I'm sorry for scaring him but don't abuse India's streets & maybe they wont abuse you! Dont forget, let me know ur bad habits :) sometimes writing about them helps u confront & consciously strive to better them. I cant help it i love my country, i just cant cant stand those who dont...”

Akshay Kumar is urging people to love their cities as their own homes and do not abuse God’s creation. Hope this movement brings about a change atleast in the over 6 Lakh people that are following him on the micro blogging site.

Tags: Akshay Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan,