Alec Baldwin kicked off plane'

7th December 2011

Alec Baldwin was kicked off an American Airlines flight yesterday, it is reported.

The 53-year-old actor apparently refused to turn off his cell phone as requested as the plane he was on prepared to take off from Los Angeles International Airport.

The 30 Rock star appeared unrepentant at the disruption his actions caused and took to his Twitter account to write about it.

"The flight attendant on American reamed me out for playing Words With Friends while we sat at the gate, not moving," Alec tweeted. "No wonder American Air is bankrupt."

"But oddly, 30 Rock plays in-flight on American. The real way is United."

An annoyed passenger on the plane also tweeted about the incident and appeared to be disgruntled.

"On an AA flight at LAX, Alec Baldwin removed from the plane. We had to go back to the gate," Michael J. Wolf wrote. "Terrible that everyone had to wait."

TMZ reports that the final straw in the incident came after Alec refused to shut down his electrical device, he went to the bathroom and slapped the door so loudly that the plane's captain called back to the flight attendants to find out what the noise was all about.

It was then that the captain made the decision to have the Hollywood star removed from the aircraft.

Alec apparently boarded the next flight to New York and sources close to him claim that he only got up to get the attendant's name to file a complaint, but because the fasten seat belt sign was on he was asked to leave the plane.

Tags: Alec Baldwin,