Ali Larter: My baby laughs at routine

31st May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ali Larter says her baby "laughs" at her previously "regimented life".

The American actress, who is best known for appearing in popular American TV show Heroes, has five-month-old Theodore with husband Hayes MacArthur. The 35-year-old star has joked her son finds her previous plans funny, as her life revolves around him now.

"It's humbling. Everything is out of your control. I lived a regimented life, and I was working all the time and keeping a schedule. A baby laughs at all that. It's his world now, and I'm on his train," she explained in an interview with OK! magazine.

The blonde beauty has revealed Theodore is a joy to be around because he is such a happy baby. She says that being the reason behind his laughter feels "amazing." Ali is so taken with her new arrival, she never wants to leave him to return to work.

"He's laughing a lot, which is wonderful. To be able to create laughter and joy on his face is amazing. And he's rolling over. He's starting to come into this world, and it's so fun to watch," she gushed. "Never leave your baby. Like most mothers in this country, working moms you have to go back to work. But it's very, very difficult. The love is greater than anything I've ever felt."

Ali went on to reveal her husband Hayes is a hands-on dad. The star says the 34-year-old actor is a natural with their son and helps as much as he can with the parenting.

"He changes diapers," she explained. "He's wonderful with him, and I think of us as very modern-day parents. We co-parent, and we are excited to be able to do that."

Ali married Hayes in 2009 and insists they would definitely consider adding to their brood. But for now, the couple is enjoying their time with Theodore.

"I'm so happy with him. We'll see. I'd love to have more children, and we'll see what our future holds," she said. (C) Cover Media
