Amanda Bynes refutes conservatorship claims

18th September 2012

Amanda Bynes is reportedly insisting she doesn't need a conservatorship because she's capable of making her own life choices.

The actress was charged with two misdemeanour counts of hit-and-run last week, resulting in her driving privileges being temporarily revoked. She is also suspected of DUI, with speculation rife that her mental state is not healthy.

However, Amanda is adamant that a conservatorship will never be put in place.

TMZ reports that the 26-year-old star is resolute about the situation, claiming "she has no substance abuse problems and she dismisses the pending criminal hit-and-run charges and the DUI cases - claiming the charges are all bogus."

Amanda reportedly added that her family has "never brought up even the possibility of a conservatorship".

Despite her brushes with the law and her increasingly erratic behaviour, it has been claimed that Amanda has no plans to check into a rehab facility as was previously reported.

The troubled starlet has showed signs of mental stress in recent days, including "speaking to inanimate objects".

A conservatorship happens when a court declares a person unable to take care of legal and personal matters and appoints another individual, known as a conservator, to do so instead. Britney Spears' affairs have been in the hands of a team including her father Jamie Spears since her high-profile breakdown in 2008.
