Benji Madden: Im trying to poison Santa Claus

23rd December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Benji Madden has joked he usually tries to poison Father Christmas on Christmas Eve.

The American rocker has been musing about the festive season on his Twitter page, explaining to fans he isnt sure what to make of it. He enjoys spending time with family and friends during December, but isnt as comfortable with certain other traditions.

The 31-year-old finds the concept of Santa Claus worrying, so gets a kick from trying to confuse the elderly gent.

On Chirstmas Eve, I leave a plate of Red cookies& a plate of Blue Cookies with a note that says Choose Wisely FatMan Lol Merry Christmas (sic), he wrote on Twitter.

Earlier, Benji pranked his Twitter followers by laughingly claiming Father Christmas is evil. He pointed out another word could be made from rearranging the letters in Santa, something his fans were horrified about.

If U re-arrange SANTA just a bit U can spell SATAN. He does seem 2try &steal the shine from BABY J around his bday don't he. Just a thought (sic), he wrote.

Benji then realised he might have gone too far after he received a host of messages from angry readers. He quickly confirmed he was only being silly, adding hes used to people not getting his jokes.

i was kidding Guys. lol. I feel like i been saying that my whole life (sic), he explained. (C) Cover Media
