Joel and Benji Madden: No one should starve

2nd April 2012

Joel and Benji Madden "can't ignore" starvation.

The twin brothers from band Good Charlotte are spokesmen for American chocolate candy bar Snickers' Feeding America charity campaign.

When the confectionery company invited Joel and Benji to participate, the pair were eager to make a difference.

"Learning that hunger was a problem that existed here, right in our own backyard. It's something that we just can't ignore," the musicians said in a promo for the cause. "Having the opportunity to do some good and give back is really exciting for us."

Witnessing others suffering from hunger strikes a deep personal chord in Joel and Benji.

"Seeing all of the families in need of food reminds us so much of our own family and the struggles we faced during some of the harder times growing up," they explained.

"These kinds of experiences definitely make their way into our songs. It's inspiring to see the strength and courage people have and to see everyone come together to help each other."

Snickers' Bar Hunger campaign is hoping to raise enough money to provide 2.5 million meals to hungry Americans.

Joel and Benji are optimistic that the goal will be reached.

"We have high hopes!" the brothers gushed.

"The more we can do to make people aware of the crisis, the more likely people are to get involved. It's as simple as that."
