Can Amy Say No To Drugs and Booze?

11th October 2010

October 11, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Troubled British singer, Amy Winehouse, is reportedly following the training regime of a boxer to get back her lost love Reg Traviss. Reports in the media claim that the singer is desperate to prove to Traviss that she possesses every quality that a normal girlfriend should possess. And for this, she has adopted spot-running and 1000 sit ups each night as part of her regular routine! Not only that, Amy Winehouse has also promised that she will never touch drugs again! Earlier media reports had claimed that the chief reason for her breakup with Reg Traviss was the wild lifestyle that she led- drugs and booze a constant part of it. Now that she has promised getting off drugs, it is to be seen whether Traviss accepts her after they meet over this weekend at North Yorks.

Amy Winehouse may have left drugs, but definitely not booze. This became clear when she paid a surprise visit to her dad Mitch Winehouses performance in a London club. Running up on the stage in a leopard-print dress, Amy Winehouse became the center of attraction in the club when she started addressing the audience, taking even her father by surprise! She even consumed a huge quantity of ale before a packed house, moving on to entertain them with her own performance. Amy Winehouse, one would agree still has the voice, but the eccentricity refuses to leave.

--Sampurn Wire


